
Mina 7-18-18

Welcome to my blog! My name is Jasmina Carbaugh, but you can call me Mina. First of all, I’d like to say thank you for visiting Sea This Life. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to share what I’m passionate about with like-minded people. Needless to say, I’m excited to have you here exploring and finding something that speaks to you.

By day, I work as a social and digital marketing professional where I create stories and interactions that influence people’s lives in a positive way. Each day I find new and creative ways to help people grow and realize their dreams, and I knew someday that would mean having my own blog.

Telling stories and sharing information is what excites me. I have always been an online observer and consumer of content reading everything I can find on health and wellness, beauty tips, new and hot restaurants, healthy and delicious recipes, exciting travel destinations, and local ATX events.

So, what exactly will you find in my blog? Tried and true recommendations for enjoying life to the fullest from a realistic perspective. You might notice that some of the things I share look less posed/edited, and more like what you would experience IRL (in real life). This is because of a few guiding factors: life is not perfect + it’s okay not to be perfect. And, in all honesty, I think it’s more fun and relatable to show people real life experiences rather than leave them always wondering, “Why doesn’t my life look like that?” I’m always working on creating the best content I can, but sometimes real life is a little more messy and…REAL.

My goal is to share the best of what I experience out in the world with you. It might be a great new restaurant, my favorite coffee shops, where to go out for a special occasion or holiday, hotel recommendations, beauty secrets, and more.

These topics mean a lot to me, and I believe when you are passionate about something you do it well. There have been times in my life when it was difficult to figure out certain things like – how to get clear skin or what is the healthiest food for our pets. These little (or big) discoveries can significantly impact our day-to-day happiness. Because I know how important that can be, I’m now bringing my best tips and recommendations to you in the pages of Sea This Life. My hope is that you will find at least one thing here that will make you smile and give you some inspiration.

If you have questions or need recommendations, send me a quick email and I will get back to you!

Keep exploring,
